Recognize the importance of protecting personal information, Nippon Graphite Fiber Corporation, a member of Nippon Steel group, has adopted a privacy policy as described below with regard to any and all personal information collected and used in the course of business (the "Personal Information").
1.Compliance with Laws and Regulations, Conformity with Government Guidelines and Establishment of Company Rules
- Nippon Steel Group will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other relevant laws and regulations of Japan. It will also make efforts to conduct its business in accordance with guidelines set forth by governmental authorities of Japan.
- Nippon Steel Group will make efforts to properly protect the Personal Information through the establishment of company rules with regard to the handling of the Personal Information.
- Nippon Steel Group will ensure that its employees are aware of and understand the laws and regulations, guidelines and company rules described above. Furthermore, it will make endeavors to continuously review and amend this Privacy Policy and the company rules.